Natural Sweet Corn is originated from NON GMO.

Sweet Corn is the main product of Thai Sweet Corn Ltd,. which is grown in most in environments like Kanchanaburi and Northern part of Thailand where temperatures are hot during the day and cool in the evenings. Our corn is being collected at ideal ripeness to provide reliable finest quality, size, color and taste. So our Customers/clients can be sure to serve the sweet produce all year around.

Sweet corn is a superior maize diversity in which sweet kernels used as vegetable. In compare to traditional ground corn, Sweet corn diversity is collected when the auricles just reach to the milk phase and used garden-fresh as the sugars in its kernels change very quickly into starch. Sweet Corn is intuitive to Central American areas.

Heritably, it varies from the ground corn by change at the sugary locus. The crop has attained victory as one of the significant profitable cash harvest in numerous semi-tropical and tropical countries.

Sweet Corn’s scientific name is known as Zea mays var, (saccharata).

Sweet corn produces to about 7 to10 feet in tallness. It grows rapidly below fertile, sunny, and well drained topsoil added with good wetness conditions. Each of its plant stands about 2 to 6, lengthy husked ears full with the rows of tooth like kernels surrounding a central wooded core. Finest fertilization is important for full development of kernels.

Numerous changed sweet corn cultivars with several differences in their color, sweetness, and maturing time are full-grown according to the local and regional necessities. Depends upon the type of cultivar, crop may prepared for harvesting within 65 to 90 days.